Version 2,

Copyright <Year> <Holder>

It is PROHIBITED to any individual or legal entity (the "Entity") obtaining a copy of this work, be it piece of software, music, literature or any other kind of art and expression, or its source code, associated documentation, or any of its resources (the "Work") to use, view, run, copy, publish, distribute, disclose, sell, sublicense, merge, read, listen to, or perform any other action, to an extent possible within the Law, on the Work or its copy, full or partial, without an express written agreement with the copyright holder (the "Holder"). If the Holder or anyone on its behalf takes any actions, legal or illegal, against the Entity which did not comply to this license, actions MUST be immediately discarded.

This section is not part of the license.

This website's content is not licensed under this license unless explicitly specified. This is just a homepage of this license.


This license is weird and it's very much meant to be like this. The reason for that is the usual: boredom. At that time I was focused on researching the licensing of my work (although I rarely publish it) and the trends regarding this matter. I usually worked with MIT or GPL-2.0. Being myself, I decided to take an entirely different approach to the licensing and push it to the extreme, while preserving my own ideas that were most likely under heavy influence of some parts of anarchism. That's how the first version was written. Some time later I revisited it to be more general and not just software specific.

The license is aimed at publishers who don't care and publish for people who don't care. As long as you care or are forced to care, this license will potentially cause and not cause any problems at the same time, unless the author wants to cooperate with you. It's a stupid gimmick, but I would love to see how it would behave in real world.

As of now (), it's the first time it's published and so far there are no works recorded that use this license. In other words, it's not tested in court or even reviewed by actual lawyers (I'm but a mere code monkey).

Please, feel free to contact me with any feedback regarding this license or if you use it anywhere.


Version 1,

Copyright <Year> <Holder>

It is PROHIBITED to any person obtaining a copy of this software, its source code, associated documentation or any of its resources (the "Software") to use, view, run, copy, publish, modify, sublicense, merge, distribute, disclose or sell the Software or its copy, full or partial, without express written agreement with the copyright holder. However, the copyright holder declares that they will not take any legal or illegal actions against those who did not comply to this license. If any legal actions are taken by any party regarding licensing of the Software, they must be immediately discarded. There is no warranty of any kind, implicit or explicit, since you are not allowed to use the Software anyway under this license.